
RE: Holes

Wherein I discuss missing stairs.

151 days…


There are all these little things that still catch me up. Things I did with Asher that I didn’t do with anyone else.

  • He’s the only one in my family that likes scallops. I fricken love them… but never make them… because no one likes them but me any more.
  • World Building. Like… we would read really terrible LitRPG books and then talk about how cool the idea of the world was (even if the plot and the constant interruptions to talk about a HUD were absolutely stupid.)
    • D&D
    • Unity
    • Stories
    • … all broken.
  • He was just getting into programming. I purchased some stuff so he could start automating lights in his room. Using Node Red for ease. No one else cares about it. But every time the lights change, I think of him.

And I’m not the only one.

  • He loved the idea of edible landscaping and Mom just put down ~275sqft of garden in hopes he’d come back and have something to work on.
  • He and his brother would knock on the walls back in forth (their rooms share a wall).
  • When online school went down because of Zoom, his brother would turn around and they’d laugh about it.
  • When a new game was discovered, he was the first to talk to about what we were excited about.

There’s this song by Twenty One Pilots.

I’m driving, here I sit, cursing my government For not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement

So… some of these holes have solutions. The boys and I can talk to eachother about games. To some degree, his brother and I can talk about World Building.


Who’s going to help me eat these scallops?